Phaleria Marcocarpa [Mahkota Dewa] (6 Sachets)

List of ingriedients and benefits:


1. Detoxification of the Body

Our bodies absorb various types of food and drinks. We never realize that consumption of various types of food and beverages can also be toxic to the body, especially foods and beverages that many use additional ingredients. Body organs such as kidneys and livers serve to neutralize toxins, but the toxins that accumulate in the body can not get out all. So the content of alkaloid compounds in Mahkota dewa can help remove all toxins in the body.

2. Fights Bacterial and Virus Infections

Bacterial and viral infections can be a serious health problem. Bacteria and viruses can enter the human body through contaminated food and drink, air and other sources. Some types of diseases are easily attacked the body and caused by bacteria and viruses such as typhoid, cholera, tuberculosis and other types. Benefits of Mahkota dewa can increase the body's system to fight bacteria and viruses because it contains saponins.

3. Maintains the Immune System

Immune has a very important role, especially to maintain the body so as not exposed to various diseases. The immune system is played by the antibody present in our own body. If the body is tired or weak it is easy to get sickness so you can consume the Mahkota dewa which contains saponin compound. Even regular consumption can also improve the overall health of the body.

4. Reduces the Risk of Diabetes

Diabetes is caused because the body can not produce insulin as a hormone that regulates the supply of blood sugar levels into body energy. Diabetes can also be caused because the body has insulin resistance where insulin is produced in excess or deficiency and the body does not have a good response to blood sugar levels. Saponins found in the benefits Mahkota dewa for diabetes can also help the body in managing blood sugar levels.

5. Lowers Blood Clotting Risk

Saponins in Mahkota dewa can also be used to lower the risk of blood clots. The body will form a very strong response when there is a blood clotting problem. It also involves heart health and some other organs such as kidneys, nervous system, brain, bile and all parts of the body. Blood serves to circulate all the food substances and is absorbed by the body cells so if there is a problem of blood clotting then it can cause a fatal health hazard.

6. Lowering Allergy Risk

Allergy is a body reaction that occurs because the body forms a strong system against the reaction of foreign materials that enter or inhaled into the body. There are various types of allergies such as allergies to dust, foreign substances, certain aromas, certain foods and various other sources. Allergies can cause harm to the body especially when it has an effect on the internal organs. The content of polyphenols in Mahkota dewa has the benefit of preventing allergies and lowering the potential risk of allergies. In general,Mahkota dewa has antihistamine properties so good to prevent allergies.

7. Prevents Blood Vessel Blockage

Blood vessel disease usually becomes one of the risks of illness for people who have some health problems like heart, diabetes, hypertension and kidney failure. The blood vessels that work towards the heart and central nervous system may not work normally because there is a collection of plaque or foreign substances in the body. This can cause the risk of heart disease to be higher. The content of flavonoids in Mahkota dewa can be used to prevent all diseases that cause clogging of blood vessels.

8. Lowers Cholesterol

Cholesterol in the body actually comes from various types of foods that contain fat. Saturated fats can not be used for the body as a source of energy because our bodies need them in very small quantities. Various types of foods such as fried foods with palm oil, fat from meat and and various other fat sources have a lot of cholesterol. Cholesterol can cause some potential diseases such as heart and stroke. Benefits of Mahkota dewa for health can lower the amount of cholesterol in the body. The content of flavonoids can effectively reduce the cholesterol content in the body.

9. Reduces the Risk of Heart Disease

Heart disease becomes one of the most terrible diseases. There are several types of classes of heart disease caused by congenital heart defects, smoking and alcohol consumption habits, poor lifestyle habits and the consumption of fatty foods. All types of heart disease caused not due to abnormalities can be alleviated by the consumption Mahkota dewa containing flavonoids.

10. Lowering Cancer Risk

Cancer can be one of the most terrible diseases. This disease is caused by free radical substances that enter the body and attack healthy cells. As a result, these cells will continue to be damaged and cause cancer. The content of flavonoids in Mahkota dewa can also be one source of anti-oxidants are very good for the body.

Side Effects Treatment with Mahkota dewa Fruit

Treatment with Mahkota dewa is one of the traditional methods. Although this treatment is considered able to protect the body from various types of diseases, but behind the benefits Mahkota dewa also has side effects that must be recognized.

Some of the side effects of treatment with a divine Mahkota dewa are:

  • Excessive consumption and inappropriate doses can cause headaches, drowsiness to severe headaches.
  • Mahkota dewa contains toxins that can cause disease to the body, therefore the dosage of consumption and consumption should be in accordance with the rules of the expert in herbal treatment.
  • Excessive consumption Mahkota dewa can also cause seizures and lack of oxygen to faint.

Treatment with Mahkota dewa should be done with the supervision of a traditional care specialist. This is done to avoid all the risks of some side effects Mahkota dewa. So, if you want to consume the fruit Mahkota dewa then you should do wisely and follow the rules of the experts.

PHALERIA MARCOCARPA also contains 4 useful chemicals for the human body


  • capable of improving the blood flow reducing cholestrol as well as reducing the chances of Heart Disease
  • improves blood circulation throughout the body and prevent blokcages in blood vessels
  • reduces the cholestrol content of fat and reduces the penumbunan on blood vessel walls
  • reduces the risk of coronary heart disease
  • contains anti-inflamatory
  • acts as antioxidants
  • helps to reduce pain if there is swelling or pain


  • aids with detoxificationwhich nutralizes toxins in the body


  • anti-bacteria and anti-virus agent
  • reduces sugar levels in blood
  • enhance the immune system
  • reduce blood clotting


  • used as anti-allergic
  • serves as anti-histamine
15.00 MYR