List of ingriedients and benefits:
- has carminative properties that aids in digestive process
- has antibacterial properties which can easily fight germs that causes bad breath
- packed with powerful antioxidants that can help replenish vitaminsduring an anemic condition
- relieves asthma sufferers from symtoms of caughing, wheezing and shortness of breath
- contains IC3 and DIM, phytochemicals that are known to be cancer fighters
- rich in anti-oxidant which helps in detoxification by removing toxins from the body
- good for our kidneys as it promotes urination as it removes calcium and urea accumulated in the kidneys
- works as a warm digestive that can reduce the problem with digestion, flatulence and acidity which reduces the appetite
- packed with minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium which is good for the heart
- also works as a potent tonic and stimulant that prepares the body in fighting sexual disorders like impotency
- helps with caugh and cold symtoms
- works as a natural freshener
- fights tooth pain and bleeding gums
- reduces mouth ulcer
- fights nausea
- fights gastric upset, avoids bloating
- helps control high cholestrol levels
- works as an antiseptic
- controls obesity
- reduces fever
- cures stomach disorders
- clenses harmful toxic waste
- maintains cholestrol levels
- treats various cancers
- boost nervous ans immune system
- treats infections with antiseptic properties